Quality control of Milk and Dairy products from Metrohm!

Quality control of Milk and Dairy products from Metrohm!

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food

September 24, 2018

The analysis of milk and dairy products requires error-prone and time-consuming sample preparation techniques. Our automated instruments take over sample preparation. Besides saving time and improving traceability, you can increase the reliability of your analyses and ensure compliance with international regulations.

  • Determine iodine, thiocyanate, and perchlorate in a single analysis applying Inline Dialysis prior to injection in Ion Chromatography
  • Accurately quantify Melamine in milk using Ion chromatography in combination with Inline Dialysis technique
  • Determine the degree of acidity of milk and yogurt in accordance with DIN 10316 and ISO 11869 and the chloride content of milk, butter and cheese in accordance with DIN EN ISO 5943 and ISO 15648 using potentiometric titration methods.
  • Determine calcium content in dairy products using a simple titration method.


Analysis of edible fats and oils from Metrohm!

Analysis of edible fats and oils from Metrohm!

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food

As the determination of the exact content of individual glycerides in fats and oils is difficult and time-consuming, several fat sum parameters or fat indices are used for the characterization and quality control of fats and oils.

November 20, 2019 More +
IDEXX Enterolert-DW Obtains the First AFNOR NF VALIDATION for Detection of Enterococci in Drinking Water

IDEXX Enterolert-DW Obtains the First AFNOR NF VALIDATION for Detection of Enterococci in Drinking Water

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food

IDEXX announces that the Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) has just granted NF Validation to the method Enterolert®-DW and Quanti-Tray® for the detection of enterococci in drinking water (Certificate Number IDX 33/03-10/13). This new validation makes Enterolert-DW the first and only method validated by AFNOR for the detection of enterococci bacteria in drinking water.

November 01, 2013 More +
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