Directly conjugated primary antibodies for imaging and flow cytometry from Abcam!

Directly conjugated primary antibodies for imaging and flow cytometry from Abcam!

Cell Biology

August 01, 2019

Design your multicolor experiments easily with directly conjugated primaries from Abcam for all your favorite neuroscience proteins. Not only your staining will be extra fast, but you will avoid the stress of finding compatible antibodies!

Click here to ​discover the full selection of conjugated primary antibodies against neuronal and glial markers, including Alexa Fluor® dyes and fluorescent proteins.



Cell Biology

Soya products are becoming ever more popular and are increasingly used in the food industry. This can result in the unintentional cross-contamination of foods in the production process. Even small concentrations of soya can cause food allergies, which is why in many countries soya has to be labeled as an allergen.



January 01, 2013 More +
Explore plasmid preparation possibilities in this handy eGuide

Explore plasmid preparation possibilities in this handy eGuide

Cell Biology

Performing plasmid purification? Then you must be familiar with QIAGEN's plasmid prep kits! But are you using the optimal kit for your applications? Now you can get an overview of our kits, all in one eGuide. Check out the DNA yields, processing times and culture volumes at a glance and find the optimal protocol today.

January 12, 2017 More +
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