Microbiologics IVD Respiratory Controls for Flu Season

Microbiologics IVD Respiratory Controls for Flu Season

Molecular Diagnostics / Molecular Biology

October 29, 2020

Cold and flu season is a busy time in the laboratory, especially with SARS-CoV-2. QC testing your diagnostic instruments and assays shouldn't add to the stress. Microbiologics makes it simple, with accurate, test-ready controls for a variety of respiratory pathogens to help you ensure consistent, reliable results.

  • Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 Control Panel (Inactivated Swab)
  • Cepheid Xpert® Respiratory Control Panel
  • Enterovirus (EV) Control Panel (Inactivated Swab)
  • Group A Streptococcus (GAS) Control Panel
  • Respiratory (21 Targets) Control Panel
  • Rifampicin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Positive Control Panel (Inactivated Pellet)
  • Rifampicin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Negative Control (Inactivated Pellet)
  • Respiratory Control Panel (22 Targets) [coming soon]


Choose the right ELISA kit with Abcam!

Choose the right ELISA kit with Abcam!

Molecular Diagnostics / Molecular Biology

Careful evaluation of assay performance is an important first step in choosing a new ELISA kit. In fact, when using an ELISA kit, you want specific, accurate, sensitive, and reproducible results. To be sure your kit can deliver this, it’s important to have access to the validation data.



April 04, 2019 More +
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