Five reasons to switch from manual to automated titration

Five reasons to switch from manual to automated titration

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food / Cosmetics / Petrochemicals / Pharma...

January 29, 2021

Many laboratories are still using manual titration to perform their routine analysis. However, glass burets are delicate to handle, volumes are difficult to read, and exposure to hazardous liquids pose a threat to the user’s health.

This short video describes and explains these and other reasons why laboratories should switch from manual titration to using an automatic system with a digital buret and a potentiometric end point detection.

Watch the video!

Eco IC-Ion Chromatography for everybody

Eco IC-Ion Chromatography for everybody

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food / Cosmetics ...

«Everybody should be able to benefit from the power of ion chromatography» - that is the idea of the Metrohm Eco IC. Focusing on the essentials, this new instrument provides the very best of ion chromatography at a very affordable price.

December 30, 2016 More +
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia CLL Product release

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia CLL Product release

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food / Cosmetics ...

Multiplicom is pleased to announce the release of the new CLL MASTR Plus, a RUO assay for identification of mutations in the coding regions of 9 genes related to CLL.

June 03, 2015 More +
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