NEW MilkoScan Mars

NEW MilkoScan Mars

Agricultural Sciences / Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food

May 16, 2015

The new MilkoScan Mars is the first FTIR milk analyser tailor made for small dairies, replacing the more than 12 year old filter based MilkoScan Minor.

With the new MilkoScan Mars we are confident that we will reach a larger market than the current MilkoScan Minor, as it is far better suited to the low end dairy segment. The MilkoScan Mars is robust designed, easy to use, has a good performance and the option of adulteration screening. All in all MilkoScan Mars offers high value to the small dairy customers.

MilkoScan Mars helps dairies to avoid slow and labour-intensive traditional testing methods and improves the ability to spot deliberate or accidental adulteration of milk supply. MilkoScan Mars allows dairies to control and standardize milk or cream products for optimal use of raw materials and ensures consistent quality of end-products.

The main MilkoScan Mars features are:

-    Pre-calibrated for: milk and cream - cow, sheep, goat and buffalo
-    Parameters: Fat, Protein, Lactose, Total Solids, Solids non-fat, Freezing Point (milk only)
-    Analysis time: 1 min.
-    Automatic clean & zero-setting
-    Automatic standardization
-    Visual instrument state with pipette light
-    Adulteration screening
-    User maintainable flow system (no homogeniser)
-    Service concept: Do it yourself and instrument installed by the customer
-    Complies with IDF 141

MilkoScan Mars is the new FTIR milk analyzer for everyone, targeting the low end dairy segment and smaller dairies with a daily production less than 150 tons per day. It is robust, compact, and simple to use. MilkoScan Mars comes with calibrations for raw and processed milk and cream, and offers up to six parameters: Fat, Protein, TS, SNF, Lactose and FPD. Adulteration screening module can be chosen as add on. The capacity of MilkoScan Mars is 60 samples per hour and accuracy is 1.2%CV (cow’s milk). The instrument is automatic standardizing without the use of equalizer - the first in the portfolio! It comes with automatic clean and zero and embedded software. Instrument installation and subsequent service is simple and can be handled by the customer.

Launch of ADH MASTR™ v2

Launch of ADH MASTR� v2

Agricultural Sciences / Nutrition & Food Sciences ...

The new ADH MASTR™ v2 molecular assay is now released for research use only. this assay is an update of the current ADH MASTR™ assay.

February 17, 2015 More +
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