RIDAQUICK Soya-Detection of processed soy in swab tests

RIDAQUICK Soya-Detection of processed soy in swab tests


November 10, 2015

RIDAQUICK Soya is a qualitative immunochromatographic test for hygiene testing in production lines and in the laboratory.

Especially processed soy proteins can be detected by this qualitative dip stick in swab testing.

Currently, it is the most sensitive dip stick on the market for the detection of soy on surfaces (0.5 µg soy protein / 100 cm²). The kit contains all reagents in a ready-to-use format without hazardous material, which allows the direct use in production facilities.

RIDAQUICK Soya is advantageous over other test methods due to the detection of processed soy proteins.

How can researchers rapidly resolve the miRNA profile of a single cell?

How can researchers rapidly resolve the miRNA profile of a single cell?


Profiling overall microRNA (miRNA) expression in a heterogeneous sample has been the status quo in miRNA research. Although important for understanding the general biology of a system, bulk analysis doesn’t provide information on the individual influence of cell subtypes. This begs the question: how can we effectively profile miRNA from just one cell?

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