RIDAQUICK Gliadin - approved by AOAC

RIDAQUICK Gliadin - approved by AOAC

Agricultural Sciences / Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food

November 09, 2017

R-biopharm is proud to announce that lateral flow test for gluten analysis is now approved by one of the most important organizations for method validation. The dip stick RIDA®QUICK Gliadin was approved by the AOAC Performance Tested Methods (SM) Program and was assigned PTM Certification No. 101702 by the AOAC Research Institute.

The results of the validation were carried out by an independent lab and demonstrated that the dipstick is applicable for the detection of traces of gliadin on environmental surfaces (stainless steel, sealed ceramic, plastic and silicone rubber) and in clean-in-place waters.

The RIDA®QUICK Gliadin test kit was also evaluated in an international collaborative study for food. The immunochromatographic test is an AACC international approved method (38-60.01) and an AOAC approved Official Method of Analysis (Final Action OMA 2015.16).

The limit of detection was evaluated for the following matrices:

  • surfaces approx. 1.6 - 3 µg gluten / 100 cm2
  • raw material approx. 4.4 mg/kg gluten
  • processed food approx. 6.3 mg/kg gluten
  • cleansing water (without cleansing reagent) approx. 10 ng/ml gluten
  • cleaning water (with cleansing reagent) approx. 50 - 100 ng/ml gluten
Advances in food pathogen detection

Advances in food pathogen detection

Agricultural Sciences / Nutrition & Food Sciences ...

Salmonella, a Gram-negative bacilli, is estimated to cause one million foodborne illnesses in the United States each year. In order to ensure our food and water are safe for consumption, rapid and reliable detection methods are critical.

March 14, 2017 More +
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