Quality control of edible fats and oils from Metrohm!

Quality control of edible fats and oils from Metrohm!

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food

September 24, 2018

Edible oils and fats belong to the most abundant cooking ingredients and they are rarely consumed in their pure form. With a long experience in fat and oil analysis, Metrohm offer various standard-compliant methods that include the following: 

Abcam wide range of protein ladder!

Abcam wide range of protein ladder!

Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food

Abcam offers the Prestained Protein Ladder, a three-color protein standard with 13 pre-stained proteins covering a wide range of molecular weights from 3.5 to 245 kDa.


April 23, 2019 More +
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