Eco IC-Ion Chromatography for everybody

Eco IC-Ion Chromatography for everybody

Chemistry & Biochemistry / Water & Beverages

December 30, 2016

«Everybody should be able to benefit from the power of ion chromatography» - that is the idea of the Metrohm Eco IC. Focusing on the essentials, this new instrument provides the very best of ion chromatography at a very affordable price.

Stripped from the «bells and whistles» of sophisticated high-end instrumentation, the Eco IC enables straightforward and robust analysis of anions, cations, and polar substances. The Eco IC is the preferred solution for users who:

  • Do routine water analysis and need a dedicated solution
  • Teach ion chromatography in higher education and depend on a simple and robust instrument
  • Prefer an entry-level instrument at an affordable price, which they can upgrade any time to automate their analyses

Hence, the Eco IC makes these users happy with features that matter most to them:

  • Intuitive, convenient software (MagIC Net) to control their instrument
  • Smart system monitoring to safeguard robust operation and reproducible results
  • Readily available system automation for up to 36 samples
  • Exceptional Swiss quality backed by unique warranties
  • Proficient on-site service and support by a global team, who speak their native tongue.
Explore plasmid preparation possibilities in this handy eGuide

Explore plasmid preparation possibilities in this handy eGuide

Chemistry & Biochemistry / Water & Beverages

Performing plasmid purification? Then you must be familiar with QIAGEN's plasmid prep kits! But are you using the optimal kit for your applications? Now you can get an overview of our kits, all in one eGuide. Check out the DNA yields, processing times and culture volumes at a glance and find the optimal protocol today.

January 12, 2017 More +
SOMATIC 2 MASTR Plus and QC Plex Product Release

SOMATIC 2 MASTR Plus and QC Plex Product Release

Chemistry & Biochemistry / Water & Beverages

Multiplicom is pleased to introduce the SOMATIC 2 MASTR™ Plus, a research use only assay, for sequencing analysis of genes involved in pathways of solid tumors formation. The SOMATIC 2 MASTR Plus is provided as a ready to use assay in three multiplex PCR reactions for the identification of mutations in the complete coding regions of the EGFR, ERBB2, PIK3CA, PIK3R1 and PTEN genes.

March 24, 2015 More +
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