Abcam wide range of protein ladder!

Abcam wide range of protein ladder!

Anatomy - Pathology / Cell Biology

April 23, 2019

Abcam offers the Prestained Protein Ladder, a three-color protein standard with 13 pre-stained proteins covering a wide range of molecular weights from 3.5 to 245 kDa.

This prestained protein ladder is designed for monitoring protein separation during:

  • SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

  • Verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes (PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose)

  • Approximating the size of proteins.

The ladder is supplied in gel loading buffer and is ready to use. View now Abcam broad range of protein sizes with wide range of molecular weights!


Blood-based biomarkers for COVID-19

Blood-based biomarkers for COVID-19

Anatomy - Pathology / Cell Biology

Establishing biomarkers for COVID-19 that indicate which patients are likely to develop severe disease could help clinicians to categorize patients earlier, improve prognosis and prioritize treatment.

June 23, 2020 More +
NEW HD1 - Thermo Hygrometer for easy reading

NEW HD1 - Thermo Hygrometer for easy reading

Anatomy - Pathology / Cell Biology

The compact HD1 thermo hygrometer display is ideal for control of temperature, relative humidity and dew point in cabinets, rooms or your work environment. You can mount the HD1 easily on the wall thanks to its integrated fastening points or set it up on a flat surface at your workplace.

December 07, 2016 More +
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