Accelerate COVID-19 research with SimpleStep ELISAs

Accelerate COVID-19 research with SimpleStep ELISAs

Molecular Diagnostics / Molecular Biology

July 16, 2021

Abcam’s SimpleStep ELISA assays for key targets in COVID-19 have been extensively validated to support you in coronavirus research by ensuring quick and reproducible results.
​Fast, reproducible results are essential to all aspects of coronavirus research. Abcam’s broad range of SimpleStep ELISAs offers validated assays for key targets in COVID-19, including receptors, cytokines, cell signaling proteins, and adherence proteins.
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Fixed panels for miRNA profiling

Fixed panels for miRNA profiling

Molecular Diagnostics / Molecular Biology

Use our convenient miRNA fixed panels for specific disease areas and spend less time searching for appropriate miRNAs before your experiment.

June 12, 2015 More +
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