Accelerate COVID-19 research with SimpleStep ELISAs

Accelerate COVID-19 research with SimpleStep ELISAs

Molecular Diagnostics / Molecular Biology

July 16, 2021

Abcam’s SimpleStep ELISA assays for key targets in COVID-19 have been extensively validated to support you in coronavirus research by ensuring quick and reproducible results.
​Fast, reproducible results are essential to all aspects of coronavirus research. Abcam’s broad range of SimpleStep ELISAs offers validated assays for key targets in COVID-19, including receptors, cytokines, cell signaling proteins, and adherence proteins.
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Eco IC-Ion Chromatography for everybody

Eco IC-Ion Chromatography for everybody

Molecular Diagnostics / Molecular Biology

«Everybody should be able to benefit from the power of ion chromatography» - that is the idea of the Metrohm Eco IC. Focusing on the essentials, this new instrument provides the very best of ion chromatography at a very affordable price.

December 30, 2016 More +
Directly conjugated primary antibodies for imaging and flow cytometry from Abcam!

Directly conjugated primary antibodies for imaging and flow cytometry from Abcam!

Molecular Diagnostics / Molecular Biology

Design your multicolor experiments easily with directly conjugated primaries from Abcam for all your favorite neuroscience proteins. Not only your staining will be extra fast, but you will avoid the stress of finding compatible antibodies!

Click here to ​discover the full selection of conjugated primary antibodies against neuronal and glial markers, including Alexa Fluor® dyes and fluorescent proteins.


August 01, 2019 More +
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