Fixed panels for miRNA profiling

Fixed panels for miRNA profiling

Molecular Diagnostics

June 12, 2015

Use our convenient miRNA fixed panels for specific disease areas and spend less time searching for appropriate miRNAs before your experiment.

Each panel consists of a set of 68 probes against the most relevant miRNAs, all selected from multiple peer-reviewed studies showing them to be differentially regulated under different disease states.

Each panel also contains internal controls to validate assay performance and probes for miRNAs that can be used for normalization between samples, simplifying experimental design.

Mitochondrial application guide from Abcam

Mitochondrial application guide from Abcam

Molecular Diagnostics

Learn how to analyze various aspects of mitochondrial toxicity, and the points you should consider when planning your experiment with the Mitochondrial Application guide now available from Abcam for the best results!

August 05, 2019 More +
Explore plasmid preparation possibilities in this handy eGuide

Explore plasmid preparation possibilities in this handy eGuide

Molecular Diagnostics

Performing plasmid purification? Then you must be familiar with QIAGEN's plasmid prep kits! But are you using the optimal kit for your applications? Now you can get an overview of our kits, all in one eGuide. Check out the DNA yields, processing times and culture volumes at a glance and find the optimal protocol today.

January 12, 2017 More +
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