Oxidation stability of coffee
Agricultural Sciences / Nutrition & Food Sciences / Agro-Food...
The freshness as well as the smell and taste of coffee depend, among other things, on the content of antioxidants.
January 19 2020 More +Latest News
The freshness as well as the smell and taste of coffee depend, among other things, on the content of antioxidants.
January 19 2020 More +IDEXX announces that its Colilert®-18/Quanti-Tray® test becomes the new International Organization for Standardization (ISO) worldwide standard for detecting total coliforms and E. coli in water. The Organization has withdrawn ISO 9308-2:1990, which follows the multiple tube (most probable number) method, and replaced it with ISO 9308-2:2012 using the Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray method.
2013-08-01 More +The recently published DIN CEN/TS 15633-2:2013 characterizes the ELISA method for the detection of hazelnut in food. The RIDASCREEN®FAST Hazelnut (R6802) of R-Biopharm fulfills the requirements of this DIN standard.
2013-04-01 More +
R-Biopharm has recently received a number of enquiries from customers asking about testing edible oils for mycotoxins.
Currently maximum levels are set for various mycotoxins including aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin and the Fusarium toxins (deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and fumonisins) /Commission Regulation (EC) No.1881/2006.
2013-04-01 More +R-Biopharm offers a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of macadamia nut in raw and processed food such as bakery products, ice cream, cereals and chocolate. The limit of detection of RIDASCREEN®FAST Macadamia (product code R6852) is 0.64 ppm (mg/kg).
2013-06-01 More +Raw nuts and even roasted nuts can be contaminated with aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are carcinogenic, highly toxic to humans and farm animals. Therefore many countries have adopted regulations to limit exposure to aflatoxins.
2013-07-01 More +Thermometric titration is fast, simple to use, rugged, versatile and unique.
In thermometric titration, the temperature change during a chemical reaction is used for the endpoint detection. This temperature change takes place only while the titrant reacts with the analyte. This makes endpoint detection very easy!
Consequently, the thermometric titrator is the ideal solution for difficult samples with complex matrices that cannot be titrated potentiometrically.
2014-06-01 More +
Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by different moulds or fungi, which can form on plants either during growth or whilst in storage. Various moulds of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium such as Penicillium verrucosum, are responsible for the production of the mycotoxin, ochratoxin A (OTA) a known carcinogen, teratogen and nephrotoxin.
2013-02-01 More +
VitaFast Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) is an enzymatic test in microtiter plate format for the quantitative determination of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) in food, pharmaceutical products and other sample materials.
2013-08-01 More +Soya products are becoming ever more popular and are increasingly used in the food industry. This can result in the unintentional cross-contamination of foods in the production process. Even small concentrations of soya can cause food allergies, which is why in many countries soya has to be labeled as an allergen.
2013-01-01 More +
Sartorius officially launches the new MA37-Fully Automatic Infrared Moisture Analyzer for Daily Routine Operation.
2014-09-01 More +Yeasts and molds can grow in a wide range of conditions in your raw materials, finished product and production environment, making them difficult to control.
Complicating matters is the five-day incubation period required by traditional agar methods.
3M Petrifilm Rapid Aerobic Count Plates allow you to easily count colonies in just 24 hours of incubation for most food matrices.
2015-02-02 More +Infratec has always been the benchmark for technological excellence and performance in the grain analysis field. With Infratec NOVA we’ve just raised the bar.
2015-04-30 More +The new MilkoScan Mars is the first FTIR milk analyser tailor made for small dairies, replacing the more than 12 year old filter based MilkoScan Minor.
RIDASCREEN FAST Vitamin B12 is an enzyme immunoassay for the fast determination of vitamin B12.
2016-02-17 More +RIDASCREEN®FAST Folsäure (Folic Acid) is an enzyme immunoassay for the fast determination of added folic acid in milk, milk powder, food for special medical purpose, grain and cereals, fortified flour, vitamin powder, -mixture, -tablets, and vitamin juice using a simplified sample preparation.
2016-03-08 More +The new RIDASCREEN Chloramphenicol (R1511) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of chloramphenicol in milk, milk powder, dairy products, honey and royal jelly, meat, fish, shrimp, eggs, urine (also chloramphenicol glucuronide), plasma/serum and feed. The test kit contains all reagents required for the enzyme immunoassay.
2016-11-24 More +It is well known that the gut microbiota contributes to health and disease. Many studies have demonstrated that external factors such as diet, geographical location and host genetics are key contributors. However, the relative contribution of these factors in shaping the gut microbiota is unclear, likely due to large interindividual variation.
2017-02-28 More +R-biopharm is proud to announce that lateral flow test for gluten analysis is now approved by one of the most important organizations for method validation. The dip stick RIDA®QUICK Gliadin was approved by the AOAC Performance Tested Methods (SM) Program and was assigned PTM Certification No. 101702 by the AOAC Research Institute.
2017-11-09 More +R-Biopharm is proud to announce its partnership with US test kit manufacturer ELISA Technologies. Starting January 1st, R-Biopharm and its worldwide distribution network started to offer the ELISA-TEK™ and MELISA-TEK™ test kits for the detection and identification of species content in food and feed. Another addition to the portfolio is the EZ PANGASISUS™ lateral flow test for the positive identification of pangasius filet
2017-12-20 More +FOSS announces the launch of the BacSomatic™, the first ever integrated bacteria and somatic cell counter for testing the hygienic quality of milk!
2018-02-08 More +
The Fibertec™ 8000 is a fully automated system for determination of crude fibre and detergent fibre and related parameters according to standard reference ‘crucible’ methods such as Weende, van Soest etc.
2018-04-06 More +Metrohm introduces the compact Eco Titrator with integrated magnetic stirrer and touch-sensitive User Interface for routine analysis. The eco titrator provides GLP-compliant results with minimum space requirements at all times (approx. DIN A4).
2019-04-18 More +